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Group Therapy

Adolescence is a formative period of self-discovery. For some, confidence soars where for others, insecurity reigns. There are best friends, sometimes friends, used to be friends, wish we were friends. Problems become increasingly complex, somehow too heavy to carry alone, but also too dark to share. Curfews are later, parties are wilder, aspirations are clearer, and pressure is greater. Heartbreak is harsher. It’s at once exhilarating and exhausting, and the uncertainty can feel endless: Questioning authority, questioning morality, questioning everything. So much of self-identity is born and shaped by the moments that make up adolescence. Let’s make the moments count.

Film Reels

Lights, Camera, Conversation:
Harnessing Media for Teen Dialogue

Film tells human stories, some that reflect back our own lived realities, and others that open our eyes to people and circumstances we’ve never met. It’s an all-access pass to the human condition, and a unique vehicle through which we can explore and develop our own perspectives, skills, and value systems.

I offer two therapy groups, one for high schoolers, and one for caregivers of high schoolers. Both groups utilize film and TV marketed to teens and young adults to facilitate discussion around common themes in adolescence. Examples might include: friendships, dating, sexual orientation, peer pressure, bullying, anxiety, depression, body image, gender identity, academic stress, family conflict, and rule-breaking/risk-taking. Some topics can feel particularly intense or uncomfortable, and caregivers may feel a natural instinct to shield their teens from this material. Examples could include: self-harm, suicidal thoughts and behavior, substance use, sexual activity, pregnancy, abortion, gun violence, or abuse. As teens are bound to encounter these tougher topics in their day-to-day, we do not shy away from this material in our group discussions. Instead, we emphasize factual information, honesty, open dialogue, emotional expression, compassionate understanding, healthy coping, help seeking, and safety planning. Film is special in its ability to make these conversations more accessible, gifting us a means for candid introspection: to gain new insights, to expand our capacity for empathy, to act with intention, and to know ourselves more fully.

High Schoolers

Thursdays 5pm-6pm

Caregivers of High Schoolers

Wednesdays 5pm-6pm

New films and TV shows are selected each month. Group admission is conducted on a rolling basis. There is no session limit; Clients may request to join when they’re ready, and may participate for as long as they find the service to be valuable. Group dialogue is guided by fluid questions and reflections, with the floor to both ask and answer open to all. 


These groups are not an appropriate substitute for any teens or caregivers who may need the more tailored support of individual therapy. These groups are designed to help teens and caregivers navigate the typical complexities of adolescence, and can additionally serve as an appropriate complement to any individual services clients are receiving. 

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